
Artful procrastination's goal is to offer helpful ideas for procrastination seekers everywhere. Sit back and enjoy.

I love comments and I actually read them. Got procrastination tips you care to share? Why not guest blog for me? 500 Artful Procrastination Points if you do.

What to trade links? Email me at with "link request" in the subject line. (Websites selling products are not accepted, unless it's to do with writing.)

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I made another cartoon me. This time, I went for a bathing suit pin-up kind of vibe. (Yeah, there wasn't a lot of choices in outfits.)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Crazy whoa.

Okay, so it's taken me forever to update. (Sprained wrist, knee, and ankle). But, alas, here I am. I may not be a Greek, but I come bearing gifts.

My friend Daniel sent me this link and I just thought it'd be perfect for procrastination purposes. Not to mention, it's utterly ridiculous. It's's "The 3 Most Baffling Fight Scenes in Movie History".

The clips are so random, you just have to wonder: are they seriously? Seriously, are they serious? lol I think some of the movie-makers were.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Being Human

So, I've got a new obsession: Being Human. I absolutely adore it. The characters are compelling, amazing, interesting, and all sorts of other good things. The show is phenomenally well-written and the acting is superb.

Basically, it's about a ghost, a vampire, and a werewolf sharing a flat in Bristol. But it's more than that. Each character is unique and every tiny aspect of their journey is important (which is rare in television). Personally, I love the trio's interactions. (This shipper in me just KNOWS there's something going on between Mitchell and Annie, even though it's never explicitly stated on the show.)

I'm really looking forward to next series. I don't live in Britain, so I'm excluded from being able to watch all the neat series 2 tidbits. (Not fair, is it?)

Again, I highly recommend it. And I think it's inspiring a fanfic. Dun, dun, DUNNNN!!!

Stay tuned. I might actually wring a fic out of my terribly dribbley brain.

Oh, and if you watch Being Human, become a fan, and are will to geek over it with me, you get an 50,000 (yes, you read that right) Artful Procrastination points.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Still Bored?

Take an online typing test!

Try or

Right now, the score to beat is 91 WPM (my current fastest score). 50 Artful Procrastination Points if you can. Currently, I'm trying to beat my previous record (from about two years ago), which was 118 WPM. Sadly, I don't think I can. But if I can, I'll award myself 100 Artful Procrastination Points.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Are you bored?

Do you like reading nonsensical, yet slightly interesting things? If so, check out my article on the Top Ten International Dumb Laws. In it, you will discover the shocking news that it's illegal to name your pig Napoleon in France -- among other things.

So, check it out. Like it? Stumble it, Streakr it, or Digg It. 20 A.P.P.s if you do. (That's shameless self-promotion at its finest, and is one of the more profitable ways to procrastinate.)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

New Procrastination Discovery!

So, I made a cartoon me. It can be seen at the bottom of the sidebar. She vaguely looks like Audrey Hepburn; people used to compare me to Audrey when I was eighteen. Makes sense.

I definitely recommend you make one (link can be found beneath the pic). Five APP's (I'm abbreviating now) if you do.

Procrastination at its Finest

Is it possible to procrastinate procrastination? Apparently so.

Consider this: I write for a living, right? Since I write articles, my income is based on how often I write. So, the more I write, the more I make. Seems straight forward. And since I've got stuffs to pay for; naturally I write until my fingers seize up and my brain starts screaming for a break.

With that said, it almost seems like I've procrastinated the art of procrastination.

Procrastination, as we all know is quintessential to the well-being of one's state of mind. If all we did was work, our minds would eventually become barren and our bodies would tire. Procrastination is, basically, necessarily for a healthy balance in life.

And I admit: I've been procrastinating on procrastinating. The question is: when does that procrastination of procrastinating become too much? When does it become detrimental?

Five points if you can answer my corrections; ten if you have reasons why your answers are correct.